Dozent an der HSG

für Handlungskompetenzen




7,620: Haniel Seminar


Autumn Semester 2012  –> Wiederholung 2015

University of St. Gallen



and entrepreneurship]


“I felt responsible for sustaining and increasing

the beauty of the world“

Marguerite Yourcenar, Hadrian’s Memoirs


Unter der Leitung von:

Chris Steyaert

Sebastian Gibas


 Performing new worlds mit Sebastian Gibas

Performing new worlds is set up around interweaving three creative processes namely that of an artistic process, of an entrepreneurial process and of a learning creation process.  The first process – artistic creation – will be approached by studying how two different provocative and renowned artists – Peter Brook and Bob Wilson – have recreated the famous Hamlet-text by Shakespeare and by engaging with the creative experiences and exercises of dancer and theatre pedagogue Sebastian Gibas. The second process – entrepreneurship as inventing new worlds – will be shaped by starting from making visible our pre-understandings of entrepreneurship and by collecting ideas and themes related to disclosing new worlds and transforming them gradually into new understandings of entrepreneurship as they become visualized, framed, narrated and staged.  The third process – the learning process of this class as a creative collective endeavor – will be conceived as a process of sensing, improvising, experimenting and constant reviewing in small groups.


In this course, students develop performances based on a combination of responsible engagement and imagination with how the world could be shaped and organized differently and even be re-invented. The course connects creation and innovation with exploring aesthetic styles, through (per)forming an in-between or an interface between the aesthetic and the entrepreneurial. The course relates to the growing research on art entrepreneurship and the aesthetics of entrepreneurship, where entrepreneurial processes as they are forming in business environments are aligned with creation processes in artistic contexts. The seminar provides master students the unique opportunity to be part of and to contribute to entrepreneurial projects through emphasizing their artistic dimension – creating convincing narratives and sculpting interesting representations and visualizations of complex and intangible content – that allows to rethink and reflect upon how entrepreneurship and innovation contribute to the outlook of our living worlds and to discover the inherent aesthetic and artistic core of any creation and innovation process. In parallel, the seminar explores creative and innovative ways and practices of representing, visualizing and embodying concrete entrepreneurial initiatives and storylines by travelling across business, artistic and societal contexts.



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jeweils durchgeführt im Frühjahr 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014:


MSc Bocconi University | MBA Cand. University of St.Gallen (HSG)

Course Creativity / Module Contact Improvisation:

Kreativität ist ein Ausdruck von innerer Leichtigkeit und Spontanität. Diese innere Ausrichtung, sofern sie verinnerlicht ist, verhilft zu schnellen Problemlösungen in allen Bereichen des Lebens. Beruflich oder privat. Es hilft Situationen aus anderen Perspektiven zu sehen und flexibel auf sie zu reagieren, ohne sich auf etwas zu versteifen und somit den eigenen Lebensfluss zu blockieren. Ein Ansatz der jeder Führungskraft zugute kommt. Das rechte Verständnis von Führen und Folgen, vom arbeiten im Kollektiv und den Mut spielerisch auf das Leben zu reagieren, steht im Vordergrund in diesem Workshop.


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